What made him so special? He would have been everyone's friend. You know this if you came over to our house any time for the last 16 years. Cheetah greeted you, and let you know you were welcome. He was interested in you, and always wanted to hear how your day was. He was a great listener. He never interupted your thoughts, but with a word of encouragement. So congenial, so charasmatic. He was loyal as could be. I would go away for weeks or months and when I got home, he was always happy to see me. People like him for that. I loved him for it.
Like everyone's best friend, he had quite a few nick-names. Cheetah, The Cheet, Da-Chort, Detroit, I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting.
Cheetah never complained. When we lived in IN, he let his weight get out of control for a while. Then we moved to AZ and he shed those lbs. He looked great for most of the time we lived in AZ, but when I went to college he had become so thin that I didn't know if I would see him again. Over the next 6 years, every time I would leave, I would say goodbye. But he never complained. I don't know how much pain he was in, until earlier this week, he couldn't walk. This is the email I recieved.
I wanted to let you know that Cheetah is not doing well.
He is having trouble walking now and keeping his balance. He can't stand upright on his rear feet but walks with the entire lower portion of his legs flat on the ground. It is very hard to explain, but cats typically walk like they are on their toes. The entire 4 inches of his back legs are flat on the ground, it looks like a kangaroo would be.
We have a vet appt for him Thursday, but it looks like it needs to be his last.
Cheetah, I'm sorry if you suffered. You were at times, my best friend. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would say that. You are missed.
RIP Cheetah
Circa Spring 1993 - Sept. 24 2009
Thank you for the very nice tribute to our friend Cheetah. His last few nights were spent on our bed cuddling up around my neck and getting a lot of good back rubs. He was happy to the end and content to just be around. Thank you for being a good owner to him all those years. Mom
This is so sad! Gramps and I got choked up when we saw the message from David on our phone...when we got off the cruise ship. Nate I remember when you got Cheetah. It was somehow commected with the Cape Cod trip to took with us when you were 8 years old. I know you loved him. When we werew there that week in early Sept. he was always glad to see Gramdpa and me when we came back to the house after each day trip. Love Ya Lots, Grandma
PS give Bella a big hug!
oh gosh... this is like 2.5 months old... and I'm sitting here crying - again.
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