Thursday, July 26, 2007

My oh My

It has been a while since I have posted. I am now under 60 days until I watch Staci walk down the isle. Seems like a long ways off, but also I know it will be here fast. September 22nd. I am looking forward to it. That walk from her apartment to mine is a little annoying. I have really enjoyed having here right here rather than in Marion, and since we don't have homework, we can spend all evening together.

The last few weeks have been particularly interesting for me. I quit my job at Atlantic Mortgage. It was ok, I just wasn't making any money. Thats not a good thing for a job. Hobbies are ok to not make money, jobs are not. So I decided to make a move. The job I thought I was walking into actually took about 6 weeks to secure. I wish I would have known that...

One thing I have noticed is how generally dissatisfied my peers are with their work. One friend graduated w/ a 3.99 in marketing and after one month thinks she wants to teach. Another walked into a very good program for management and now thinks she may want to work in a flower shop. My former roommate was "let go" after 5 months of work. Another guy worked at his job for 5 weeks and quit. And yet another for 4 weeks and quit.

I don't know that many of us were prepared for working. Not that we were incapable, but we were not prepared to dislike our jobs. If we didn't like our classes we changed majors. If we didn't like our profs., we took it with another. I think the reality is few people walk into 50k jobs, fewer walk into 50k jobs that they love.

We are freshman again. For the 3rd time. We have a lot of ambition and big dreams, but we are the youngest and least experienced, and therefore have the most work to do. As a senior you can do almost nothing and succeed. As a freshman you can work your tail off and fail.

Here's to another few years of bottom feeding.