Friday, March 28, 2008

You Too...

Brian Regan has a great bit from his stand up routine talking about the social phenomenon of You too. It is the knee jerk reaction of saying you too when some one says, something like have a good day, or enjoy your weekend. I say something along those lines, maybe, a thousand times per day. Today I mixed it up, just once though. I saw on a young lady's driver's license that yesterday was her birthday, so I sent out her money and receipt and said, "happy birthday." She replied, "you too."

Another example of how important it is to others what I say at work.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Something from yahoo answers

Do blind people dream? what do they see?
also do they see weird things when they take drugs, like behind their eyes? i would have though it was possible, like having a dream lol don't ask why I'm asking, I'm just interested.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
I considered answering your question myself, but decided that you might prefer an answer straight from the source. So I passed your question on to my friend, Laurie, who has been blind since she was fairly young. Here’s what she had to say:

" Yes, blind people do dream. What they see in their dreams depends on how much they could ever see. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams. If someone such as I, has had a measure of sight, then that person dreams with that measure of sight. I still dream as though I can see, colors included. For people I’ve met since, their faces are just blurs or how I imagine they look. To me, someone like my mother looks forever 30. "
An "auditory dream" is a dream with only sounds and no images. Basically, the dreams of someone who’s been blind from birth are just like the dreams that you have - just without the pictures.

People’s dreams are based on the things they experience in their lives. That is to say that in a way, our dreams are based on our memories. So a person who has never experienced "seeing" will not dream using sight. This is just like how you do not dream with sonar images, as humans can not use sonar. Perhaps animals like bats, if they do dream (I don’t know if they do or not) dream in sonar. ;)
, the images that we see in our dreams aren’t real light - they’re signals within our brains that we experience the same way we would experience light. So light is neither stored nor produced. You could say that our minds "play tricks on us" to make us think we’re seeing light when it’s not really there.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

My Week Without Staci

It was not my choice, to spend a week without Staci. Given the chance, I would not do it again, but the results weren't all bad. Every moment I wasn't at work or asleep I was painting. The kitchen took at my best guess 5-6 coats. 2 with primer, 3-4 for with the red. It was fun, however. I turned the TV on in the other room and listened to the travel channel, discovery channel, and ESPN. The checkered wall was my idea, and it was strongly opposed by the "majority," but upon further review it received approval! :) There is still a little touch up to be done, but overall I am happy!
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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Google Maps

There is a great new feature (well, new to me) on Google Maps. It is called street view. For years we have been able to see roads from a satellite, but now there is a new feature. You can see what it looks like to drive down the road. You can look to the left, or to the right and see the faces of buildings and street signs. What it looks like they did was just drive up and down the streets of many major cities with a camera mounted on top of a car. The camera takes a picture about every 50 feet, best as I can tell, and it takes a 360 degree picture. Here is a view of my street.

View Larger Map

Click "View Larger Map" and switch to street view if it's not there already.
Mess around with it, find your house if you've been added, or just virtually drive around some place you'd like to go sometime.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Ever have a friend or family member ask for a loan? It can be awkward, and for many the knee-jerk reaction is to just pull out the checkbook. But having the funds available to extend a loan is often not the point when it comes to lending money... it's knowing when or if you will ever receive your hard earned funds back.

According to a Federal Reserve survey, over 8% of Americans have loans that have been extended to friends and family. By some estimates, these loans total a whopping $89 billion and an eyebrow-raising default rate of 14%, versus just 1% for those who borrow from a bank...

Monday, March 03, 2008

gmail video

There must not be all that much to do in Russia. I guess we in America can just be glad those great Russian minds are doing stuff like this instead of trying to figure out how to blow us up.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

I am not a pick person when it comes to bathrooms. I like to get in, go, get out. I can go anywhere, if you don't believe me, spend a week in the boundary waters. I did, however have an experience yesterday that was unlike any other. We were at Chili's enjoying a conversation after a good meal, and I knew either the conversation had to be wrapped up and we had to go home, or I needed to excuse myself.

As you may guess, I excused myself to the WC. There I found a set up that was not conducive to proper usage of the facility. The bathroom was mostly dark, a modern feel. The only light in the room were two spotlights pointed from above right on the toilets. My immediate impression was the effect the producers on WWTBAM are trying to achieve. When the contestant is asked the question, the lights of the studio go out except the spot lights that point in directly on the contestant. This puts pressure on the person, and really adds drama. Drama is not what I'm looking for in that room. I was worried I wouldn't be able to perform adequately. The good news is, however, that I do my best thinking in that location.