Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Verizon, Sprint, and Cingular are teaming together to fight a new epidemic that is sweeping the nation. Many people have been receiving text messages from people they do not know. The cell phone giants are asking their customers to screen their messages, and practice quote, "safe text." They also are encourageing their customers to ask their textual partners about their textual history.

Think IWU will buy it? We'll see!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Tom Brady part 2.

So, the news on ESPN today is that Tom Brady knocked up his ex. One caller called in and asked Colin Cowherd, "Isn't he dating like the hottest model in the world?" He said, "No, he's dating Janet Reno, and he just broke up with Margret Thatcher."

Thursday, February 08, 2007

New jobs

I found this interesting article about graduating and possible employment information.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

40 Yard Dash

Here is a link that you should look at. Many people ask me about 40 yard dashes. I love when some high school running back tells me he runs a 4.5, or when someone says so and so runs a 4.3. 40 Yard Dash.

Friday, February 02, 2007

TV Comercials

I just went out to lunch to a nice little place down the road called the Earl of Sandwich. I'm not sure I like it, but I like the name of the place, which is probably why I went there. Plus the last two times I have gone I ordered the origonal which has Horse Radish (sp?) sauce and the thought of it makes me ill. I guess I forgot how much I do not like that sauce. Anyway, they have a nice big TV there and it was on NBC. A comercial came up that I'm sure many of you have seen that is nothing but a girl and a guy making out. At the end it says get ready for Valentines Day. Go to There were a couple of guys in the restraunt that were not watching until that comercial came on. Then as soon as another comercial came on they went about their business.

I think it is remarkable how all guys are wired the same way. The media does not kid around either. They will do anything to get your attention. I make no plans on going to but I remember that comercial better than any in recent history.

Thursday Night

Last night I went to work out. I got to the gym around 8:30, and the first thing I always do when I work out is warm up. I do about 20-30 minutes of cardio on a bike or stair climber. This accomplishes three purposes. It warms my body up to prepare for stretching and lifting. It gives me a little cardio workout. Lastly it is a good workout for my legs. Then I will lift either upper or lower body, depending on how I feel. Anyway, while I was on the bike the Office came on. Obviously there was no sound, so I had to read the subtitles. It was still hilarious. But probably the funniest part was the sight of this 21 year old goof ball pedaling away, looking up and too the left and laughing about every 3 minutes. I felt like such a loser, but I got to hang out w/ Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott.