Saturday, June 05, 2010

Words With Friends

There is a great game available on the iPhone OS that has been commanding quite a bit of my time recently.  It is a variation on the Scrabble board and tiles.  The concept is the same, however, add up the points for the words you form when you lay your tiles.  Double letters and Triple letters are good.  Double Words and Triple Words are great!  Here are some screen shot from games I have played with Marc and Jon.
Both are Bingos. Bingo adds 35 points to your play.  A bingo is when you use all 7 tiles.  It is the holy grail for scrabble players.  The first play was a better score (94) because it was a triple word play, and the second I thought was a more ingenious play because I got HAZERS, AT and TI to go along with STILTED.  Anyway, its a lot of fun, and if you want to play please let me know!