Friday, June 26, 2009

How we remember an Individual

I'm not sure where to begin. I'm litterally sitting on the couch as I type this watching the zoo that is the media circus surrounding Michael Jackson's death. It is sad any time a human loses their life, but what is most interesting to me is what people are saying about the late Jackson. They are sentaments that I don't think we would have heard just 2 days ago.
I realize people aren't going to say today that he was an egotistical child molester, it just wouldn't sit well today, but I'm saying from my perspective, he wasn't a great man. Amazing performer. Gifted artist. No doubt a brilliant celebrity but not some one I look up to as a person in the least.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wolfram Alpha

This site is awesome. It makes Cha-Cha look like child's play.

That result is a little silly, but type in something like, What is the population of ... Insert City, or 3^2+5^2=?. It was designed to do math problems, but it does more.

Let me know what you think about it in the comments section.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Not sure what to write about

I'm not sure what to write about, so this will be a little bit of stream of consciousness. Whenever I hear that term, I think of a brain peeing. Brain peeing, is a funny thought. I'm sure it would be quite relieving, however. Many Fridays at the bank my brain could go for a pee.

Dreams and sleep have been on my mind recently. Its a strange phenomena, sleep. Our bodies can go longer without it than our brains, in my very armature opinion. I know my mind goes well before my arms or legs. Take for example the move I helped Adam and Ali make this weekend. The body was willing, but the mind became weak. It was about 2:30 and I could certainly carry another box, but I was having trouble remembering people's names and words were running together. Glad I didn't have to drive anywhere!

They say 18 hours without sleep is like driving drunk. I don't know who "they" is, but I suppose as long as 2+ people say something they can be "they."

Last thought is on dreams. Our brains get so much information in a given day, I hear it needs to sort it all out, and dreams are how they do it. I'm not sure what happens in my day that makes me think at night there is a man in a bear costume standing over my bed, but apparently it happens.

I've been known to have weird dreams though. Exhibit A - there are snakes in my fish tank. Exhibit B - While driving home from a football game, I thought my mom was driving off the road when she was exiting on a ramp. Exhibit C - whatever caused me to run around on the ground on all fours and scare the hoo-haa out of Staci.

Sorry I couldn't give more detail.

It's time for bed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Apple could get away with murder and it's fans would just keep coming back for more. A year ago when they launched the 2nd Generation iPhone they tried to push the new OS to all the phones, crashing the system. I doubt most people remember that, unless you were one of those with a $600 paper weight for a couple days. They still run ads taughting how stable and solid their products are. (I'll admit it was probably AT&T's fault, but they are married to them, so guilt by association) Now with the new OS that is being launched today they are going to enable some sort of bluetooth and possibly FM capability. I just tried to download it, however, and it took 30 minutes to even get connected to the iTunes store. This was built into the hardware from a year ago, but just left out of the software. If Windows would have done something like this, it would be another viral TV ad in a second. I love my iPod touch (ask my wife), but I'm just saying we as consumers of a product have a double standard.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

An Idea for podcasts

I listen podcasts many times per day and one theme is THEY have themes. Dave Ramsey is financial, this American Life is unique stories from across the country, Tech stuff is obvious, Planet Money is Finance/Economics, Stuff you should Know is informative. My idea for a podcast on podcasts. The theme will be discussing podcasts. I think I can talk about the stuff I like to listen to. Just an idea, more thoughts to come.


My friend Adam Wren and I really like ourselves. More specifically, we like what we talk about. He and I often get on tangents that we find to be humorous of full of insight, so we are going to try and bring back to life the Adam and Nate Podcast. It's been unseen for about 3 years, so our following may have gone its separate ways. Still be on the lookout for the podcast coming Summer '09.

Saturday, June 06, 2009



I guess I just don't see what the big deal is.

Prediction: Twitter won't be around for that long. They have no business model, no plan to monetize their service. All they are doing right now is burning through venture capital.

Friday, June 05, 2009


I've been playing softball for about 8 years, and I've never been on a dominant team. What used to happen was I'd start off on a church team, and then as the season went along my team would get injured (because they are old) and I'd replace them with guys that were young and athletic. We'd be good, but just because we would run around like crazy. We had some good athletes, but most of them did not have baseball/softball as their primary sport. This was fun, but often frustrating when fly balls would be dropped into triples.

This year is different. We have multiple collegiate level baseball players as well as a bunch of good athletes. I played outfield in high school and I'm not one of the top 4 outfielders on our team. I have, however found my calling as a middle reliever for our stacked team.

Last night we were losing going into the 7th inning both games. We ended up scoring and winning both games. We didn't play our best, and didn't have some of our best players, but we still pulled it off. That brings our record to 7-1. Its a lot more fun being on the winning side of these games because I know the other side, from two years ago when the only time we didn't lose was when we forfeited.