Monday, January 24, 2011

Sanibel Trip

As was promised (a couple of months ago) here are a few pictures from our trip to Sanibel Island in November.

Our kayaking excursion in Tarpoon Bay. We navigated in and out of the mangroves and saw lots of cool wild life.
Our nice occasion sushi spread. We take a picture every time. Sometimes it goes up as our background on the computer, but then the cravings get too bad.
A picture of what we did every day (play tennis).
What we looked like at the end. (not what we look like now). The sun was great!
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Monday, January 17, 2011

u-Control Remote Control Helicopter

I got this toy yesterday and have documented a few moments in its time with me.  See below.

Pretty sweet looking, even in the box.

Here is a video of what it looks like straight out of the box.

And here is its first flight...

Obviously not great the first time, but since then I have become pretty good at maneuvering it around and even landing it where I want.

More to come.