Saturday, May 23, 2009

NBA Playoffs

I've been one of the harshest critics of the NBA over the last 5 years, but what I've seen recently has me changing my tune. With the performances I've seen from Kobe, Lebron, Carmelo and Dwight Howard are making me think about following the game again. It will be difficult to sit through 82 games to get to the playoffs where sub .500 teams get in, and the playoffs take 2+ months to complete. If you didn't see the last 5 minutes of the Cleavland/Orlando games the last few nights, you missed out. Both games literally went down to the last shot, both taken by Cleavland. One went in, did not. Both were fantastic.

The Pacers have always been my team, and they have a long way to go, but in the mean time this tournament is appointment/must see TV.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


I'm so thankful for the weather.  Not what you're thinking, most likely, I'm thankful for the weather we had in January and February.  Not because I enjoy freezing my ice cubes off, but because it makes me appreciate so much 75 and sunny.  I think you can have too much of a good thing, if only because you don't appreciate it.

I thank God for the winter, because without fail, it comes with the promise of spring.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Bowling Alley

I had my 3rd brush with stardom this weekend. I was at woodland bowl on 96th street meeting some friends from work for some fun at the alley after work. We were standing around talking, waiting for the others to arrive. The next thing I know, I see a well built black man carrying a bowling ball walking towards the door to leave the alley. It was Joseph Addai.
I recognized him immediately and waved. He saw I too was holding my own bowling ball, knew I was cool, and nodded his head back in recognition of my wave.

This will go down with the times I saw Peyton Manning at the airport, and Rick Smits, also at the airport.

BTW I threw a 206 in my third game.

Bella makes it look like I'm a cutter!
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How Bella feels when she's had too much milk to drink.
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