Monday, January 26, 2009


Taxes... DONE!


101st Post

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Henry Woods 2008-2009

Henry lived a fulfilled life. He had plenty of water to drink, lots of food to eat. He was introspective, and not as gregarious as rumors had him to be. He was loved by all that knew him. He is survived by his owner, Jessica, his caretakers Nate and Staci, and his cousin Bella.

Services have already been held. Henry was given a 21 flush salute.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Expensive Donuts

Sunday I had a box of $230 Donuts. I know you're pining as to how I could have spent $230 on Donuts, and if I did, how big was the box? Well, it wasn't that big of a box, but they were delicious. I love Dunkin Donuts.

Staci and I spent Saturday night through Monday afternoon in Tennessee. I made a vow that no matter what we forgot, once we left the driveway we would not turn around and get it. (half jokingly) I realized, once headed south on I65 on the southern part of Indianpolis, atleast 25 minutes from home, that we forgot our video camera, as well as our charger for our digital camera. I normaly wouldn't care, since I do not really like taking pictures of myself, but our trip had a greater purpose than sight seeing. We were going to Financial Peace Plaza, the home of the Dave Ramsey Show, both TV and Radio. I am a devout Dave Ramsey proselite, so capturing this moment on camera was crutial. But I digress.

We woke up hungry Sunday morning and decided to undo a week at the gym be picking up some donuts. While out, we stopped at a Target, just to see what they had in the way of Digital Camera's. Their selection was modest, but it had what we were looking for. We love our Cannon Power Shot, and thought that if we could get the same picture quality with a few latest and greatest bells and whistles (sorry for the run on cliche's) we would jump on the opportunity. Well, they had the camera on display, but out of stock. We left, thanking the clerk, who was helpful, to an extent, just didn't have the product. I knew that there had to be a best buy around somewhere. We were in a Target, and there was a Home Depot up the street, a Best Buy almost had to be within half of a mile.

We got to Best Buy, and the choice came down to the Cannon we saw at Target, or a Casio that was featured on their Digital Camera display. The Cannon won.

In the summer of 2004, just less than 5 years ago, I bought a less frilly version of the camera we bought this weekend.

What I got in 2004 What I got on Sunday
4.0 MegaPixel 10.0 MegaPixel
32 MB Memory 4Gig Memory
1.5" Screen 3"Screen

That means 2.5x size pictures. 128x storage capacity, and 4x the view on the screen.

I paid $450 5 years ago, and only $230 on Sunday.


BTW, this is a very rare move for me. I waited 6 months to buy an iPod, and only did so when it came w/ a checking account, and 6 months to buy a TV, researching which one to buy for the entire time, at least one day per week.