I pretty much have free reign to put whatever I want. I'll write about work, life, the world, my friends, sports, finances or something funny that happens.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Christmas Anticipation
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
- My Wife
- Our Church
- Friends
- Family
- Food
- Financial Blessings
- Health
- Bella
- Democracy
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of Religion
- Our Hot Tub
- New Career Opportunities
- Broadband Internet Access
- Those that Serve in the Armed Forces
- Those that Serve Locally Fire/Police/EMT
- Sunrises
- Direct Deposit
- Cars with GPS (even though I don't have one)
- Smart Phones (even thought I don't have one)
- The Burn of Physical Activity
- Racquetball
- Mashed Potatoes
- iPod Touch
- Colts
- 10-0
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Mr. Fix It
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Great News!
I'm moving from a job that would bore most of you and the rest would be miserable, to another job that would be slightly less so, but for me its a great opportunity. :)
Monday, November 09, 2009
Good Youtube Video
Please note, the word ass in the following context most likely refers to a donkey.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Dave Ramsey on people with big money...
Pres Obama's Weekly Radio Address
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Food For Thought
Litterally, food for thought. I'm sitting downstairs eating dinner which happens to be chicken tortilla soup, and thinking about things. I have recently realized that I am really into gadgets. This goes back quite a ways for me. I used to LOVE Swiss Army Knives. Whenever we would go into a sporting goods store it was my favorite section/enclosed box. In high school I was the first to own a pocket PC. For those of you that don't know what that was, it was a smart phone without the phone. Some people called them Palm Pilots. The iPhone has been my most recent desire, but I have settled for the iPod Touch. I chose the iTouch, because it comes without the $70+/month contract.
But there is something new on the horizon. Or should I say something new on the Verizon? The rub with switching to the iPhone is leaving Verizon and signing up with AT&T. It would end up costing my wife and I probably around $50/month more than we pay now. That is a lot of dough!
This phone runs Android, which is Google's operating system. I use Google's suite of products, so this is very appealing to me. Most importantly, it has an app for Google Voice, which means a GV account could run seamlessly on a mobile phone with all the features, and the same great cost.
Here's where thinking has to start happening. There is still a cost difference. First of all it would be $200 to purchase which is reasonable, but there is more. Secondly there will be a $30/month charge for a data plan. This comes with a 2 year contract, so the total EXTRA price for the phone would be around $900.
Where I come from $900 is a good chunk of change for no more functionality than I currently have other than mobile Internet. (aka data plan) For example, that $30/month could go to support a missionary, buy food for a food bank, or feed a hungry child.
I have a lot in this world, and live a very comfortable life. Most people that read this blog (both of them) are also comfortable and not hungry. I do not say this to condemn spending, I am just journaling some realizations I have come to. I'm also not saying I will not some day buy a data plan for a mobile phone. What I will say, is that I need to do a better job of looking at what I spend, determine if it is a need or a want and also determine if by passing on that want I can meet a need of someone less fortunate.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Funny Family Guy Clip
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Health Care
Monday, September 28, 2009
Corporate Challenge
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Ode to Da-Chort
What made him so special? He would have been everyone's friend. You know this if you came over to our house any time for the last 16 years. Cheetah greeted you, and let you know you were welcome. He was interested in you, and always wanted to hear how your day was. He was a great listener. He never interupted your thoughts, but with a word of encouragement. So congenial, so charasmatic. He was loyal as could be. I would go away for weeks or months and when I got home, he was always happy to see me. People like him for that. I loved him for it.
Like everyone's best friend, he had quite a few nick-names. Cheetah, The Cheet, Da-Chort, Detroit, I'm sure there are some I'm forgetting.
Cheetah never complained. When we lived in IN, he let his weight get out of control for a while. Then we moved to AZ and he shed those lbs. He looked great for most of the time we lived in AZ, but when I went to college he had become so thin that I didn't know if I would see him again. Over the next 6 years, every time I would leave, I would say goodbye. But he never complained. I don't know how much pain he was in, until earlier this week, he couldn't walk. This is the email I recieved.
Cheetah, I'm sorry if you suffered. You were at times, my best friend. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would say that. You are missed.
RIP Cheetah
Circa Spring 1993 - Sept. 24 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Wedding Toasts
Funny Article
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
iTunes 9.0
Monday, August 31, 2009
My Suburban Life
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Heath care Debate
The first topic we should look at is whether or not there should be reform. Lets call reform change, because reform sounds to me like Washington mandating something, and change can come from anywhere. I am of the opinion that there needs to be change. We in America spend way to much on health care as a dollar amount and as a percentage of GDP (Kudos Planet Money). This makes sense, because we have the most disposable income, after food, clothing, housing, etc. We also have the best health care system in the world. We have the best doctors, and the best hospitals, but for some reason we need reform/change.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Weekend Project
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Friday, August 07, 2009
My First Podcast
Saturday, August 01, 2009
This is super!
Reader David Campbell sends along a fascinating story about human habits and attention. Safe to say, no econ would make this mistake.
Several years ago, Campbell consulted on a highway widening project in Atlanta. To make room for the new lanes, a bank branch had to be demolished.
Approximately 90 days prior to the demolition of the branch location, all the customers who banked at that location were notified in writing as to what would be occurring and were advised as to the location of a nearby branch that would be handling their accounts. Several large notices were also posted at the branch containing the same information. Follow-up written notices were also sent to the customers 60 days and 30 days prior to the closing. All the branch officers and tellers were constantly reminding people of the upcoming event.
Finally the day of closing arrived. The last customer left the bank, the doors were locked and a large sign at the entrance to the parking lot clearly stated that fact. The next day the wrecking crew moved in and began the demolition. Case Closed? WRONG!
Roughly 45 days after the closing I received a call from the officer of the bank I had been working with. I could almost see the tears in his eyes, he was laughing so hard when he said, “David, I know you aren’t going to believe me, but I promise that I’m not making this up.”
Apparently, about ten days after the bank was demolished and all the bank signs and other identification had been removed from the site, the bank started receiving a trickle of calls from its customers complaining that something was wrong with their accounts. As time moved on the situation worsened, but it wasn’t until someone actually went out to the site that now contained a non-existent building was the problem solved.
The only thing that remained on the site was the bank vault. The vault had been duly cleaned out at the time of closing, but the structure itself could not be removed by conventional means and required that it be jack hammered apart. The rear wall of the vault also housed the drop box for the night depository. Although the depository was checked and cleaned out at the time of closing, it never occurred to anyone to seal the depository slot. For approximately 45 days the carefully trained employees of nearby businesses had been doing as instructed and were dropping the day’s cash receipts into the night depository.
The building was gone. The bank signs were gone. Most of the parking lot was gone. The sidewalks and drive-thru lines were gone. To make a deposit required that a person park his car and walk about 30 feet over a dirt path. When the bank official opened the night depository box, he found over $250,000 in cash. Fortunately it never occurred to the local bank robbers that people could be that dumb. The bank vault door had been removed in the demolition as had all the bank security systems, and the night depository inside the vault could be opened with a crow bar.
Campbell asks fellow Nudge readers: Can anyone top this story?
Posted in Blog posts Tagged: bank
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Google Voice
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Better Blog
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Final Frontier
Anyway, we got a HDTV approximately 6 months ago and I love it, but it really leaves a sour low definition taste in my mouth when I watched Dish Network in SD. All you need, however to get HDTV is plug in some old fashioned rabbit ears in the back of that baby and we're live! I get the local networks pretty well, as long as no one walks up or down the stairs.
I was ready to drop TV for a while, but the wife wasn't. She enjoyed the DVR, probably more than I did. We made a compromise as best as I could, which was give it up for 2 months and then if we wanted to go back at that time we would, no questions asked. This was made possible when our receiver went out. :)
So since the loss of transmission I've picked up a hobby. I've played disc golf more days than I haven't. There are 3 courses in the area.
Sahm Park
View Larger Map
Dylan Park
View Larger Map
Morse Park
View Larger Map
Morse and Sahm have a variety of holes and pars, 3,4,5. Dylan is all about the long ball baby. They are all "par 3" and none is shy of 300 feet. The longest are in the mid to upper 400 foot range.
I've spent in the neighborhood of $50 out of pocket for discs and if I'd spent the same TIME on a ball golf course it would probably be in the neighborhood of 200-300 in greens fees.
It's a good game, but you need a strong elbow, so we'll see how long that lasts.
I may post more about this sport and these courses, but I know none of you are interested.
Long story short I'm saving $50/month having a lot more fun, being active, and losing blog readers.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Twitter part II
follow me, but if I don't know who you are I'll block you.
Friday, June 26, 2009
How we remember an Individual
I realize people aren't going to say today that he was an egotistical child molester, it just wouldn't sit well today, but I'm saying from my perspective, he wasn't a great man. Amazing performer. Gifted artist. No doubt a brilliant celebrity but not some one I look up to as a person in the least.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Wolfram Alpha
That result is a little silly, but type in something like, What is the population of ... Insert City, or 3^2+5^2=?. It was designed to do math problems, but it does more.
Let me know what you think about it in the comments section.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Not sure what to write about
Dreams and sleep have been on my mind recently. Its a strange phenomena, sleep. Our bodies can go longer without it than our brains, in my very armature opinion. I know my mind goes well before my arms or legs. Take for example the move I helped Adam and Ali make this weekend. The body was willing, but the mind became weak. It was about 2:30 and I could certainly carry another box, but I was having trouble remembering people's names and words were running together. Glad I didn't have to drive anywhere!
They say 18 hours without sleep is like driving drunk. I don't know who "they" is, but I suppose as long as 2+ people say something they can be "they."
Last thought is on dreams. Our brains get so much information in a given day, I hear it needs to sort it all out, and dreams are how they do it. I'm not sure what happens in my day that makes me think at night there is a man in a bear costume standing over my bed, but apparently it happens.
I've been known to have weird dreams though. Exhibit A - there are snakes in my fish tank. Exhibit B - While driving home from a football game, I thought my mom was driving off the road when she was exiting on a ramp. Exhibit C - whatever caused me to run around on the ground on all fours and scare the hoo-haa out of Staci.
Sorry I couldn't give more detail.
It's time for bed.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
An Idea for podcasts
Saturday, June 06, 2009
I guess I just don't see what the big deal is.
Prediction: Twitter won't be around for that long. They have no business model, no plan to monetize their service. All they are doing right now is burning through venture capital.
Friday, June 05, 2009
This year is different. We have multiple collegiate level baseball players as well as a bunch of good athletes. I played outfield in high school and I'm not one of the top 4 outfielders on our team. I have, however found my calling as a middle reliever for our stacked team.
Last night we were losing going into the 7th inning both games. We ended up scoring and winning both games. We didn't play our best, and didn't have some of our best players, but we still pulled it off. That brings our record to 7-1. Its a lot more fun being on the winning side of these games because I know the other side, from two years ago when the only time we didn't lose was when we forfeited.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
NBA Playoffs
The Pacers have always been my team, and they have a long way to go, but in the mean time this tournament is appointment/must see TV.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Bowling Alley
I recognized him immediately and waved. He saw I too was holding my own bowling ball, knew I was cool, and nodded his head back in recognition of my wave.
This will go down with the times I saw Peyton Manning at the airport, and Rick Smits, also at the airport.
BTW I threw a 206 in my third game.
Sunday, March 08, 2009
2 good movies, one marginal
Friday night - 300. My favorite part of this movie was after it was over. And that's not intended to be a joke, but if you think its funny feel free to laugh. After watching this movie a few things donned on me. First, the movie is almost cartoonish, but its for a reason. It is the legend of a king of Sparta, and the entire movie feels like someone is telling you a story that is a bit fanciful. It felt like the time I read Beowulf in high school. Not even a little realistic, but probably the average embellishment that takes place over the generations. The battles were... over rated, but I felt like too much of the content of the movie was battle, where as in great movies like Gladiator, the battles take place around the story.
Saturday night - Walk the Line. I forgot how good this movie is. The soundtrack is wonderful, and the story is captivating. You root so hard for Johnny, even though for a while he does nothing right. He was a great man, and truly knew what it meant to have life, more abundantly.
Sunday Afternoon - LOTR Return of the King. Another classic. Tolkien was obviously a genius. Peter Jackson perfectly captured Middle Earth in New Zealand, and the cast made me really believe it. The inward struggle and outward struggle that Frodo goes through is gripping. I'm not sure if the ring is supposed to represent Sin, but if it does, I love that illustration.
Wife should be home shortly, back to reality!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Paul Harvey
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Henry lived a fulfilled life. He had plenty of water to drink, lots of food to eat. He was introspective, and not as gregarious as rumors had him to be. He was loved by all that knew him. He is survived by his owner, Jessica, his caretakers Nate and Staci, and his cousin Bella.
Services have already been held. Henry was given a 21 flush salute.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Expensive Donuts
Staci and I spent Saturday night through Monday afternoon in Tennessee. I made a vow that no matter what we forgot, once we left the driveway we would not turn around and get it. (half jokingly) I realized, once headed south on I65 on the southern part of Indianpolis, atleast 25 minutes from home, that we forgot our video camera, as well as our charger for our digital camera. I normaly wouldn't care, since I do not really like taking pictures of myself, but our trip had a greater purpose than sight seeing. We were going to Financial Peace Plaza, the home of the Dave Ramsey Show, both TV and Radio. I am a devout Dave Ramsey proselite, so capturing this moment on camera was crutial. But I digress.
We woke up hungry Sunday morning and decided to undo a week at the gym be picking up some donuts. While out, we stopped at a Target, just to see what they had in the way of Digital Camera's. Their selection was modest, but it had what we were looking for. We love our Cannon Power Shot, and thought that if we could get the same picture quality with a few latest and greatest bells and whistles (sorry for the run on cliche's) we would jump on the opportunity. Well, they had the camera on display, but out of stock. We left, thanking the clerk, who was helpful, to an extent, just didn't have the product. I knew that there had to be a best buy around somewhere. We were in a Target, and there was a Home Depot up the street, a Best Buy almost had to be within half of a mile.
We got to Best Buy, and the choice came down to the Cannon we saw at Target, or a Casio that was featured on their Digital Camera display. The Cannon won.
In the summer of 2004, just less than 5 years ago, I bought a less frilly version of the camera we bought this weekend.
What I got in 2004 What I got on Sunday
4.0 MegaPixel 10.0 MegaPixel
32 MB Memory 4Gig Memory
1.5" Screen 3"Screen
That means 2.5x size pictures. 128x storage capacity, and 4x the view on the screen.
I paid $450 5 years ago, and only $230 on Sunday.
BTW, this is a very rare move for me. I waited 6 months to buy an iPod, and only did so when it came w/ a checking account, and 6 months to buy a TV, researching which one to buy for the entire time, at least one day per week.