Monday, April 30, 2007

I made the Sermon!

I did something I have never done before, to my knowledge. This weekend was IWU's graduation. I was sitting next to Rob (My future Father-in-law) and we were talking about graduation. He told me that the oldest person to graduate was 94 (plus or minus). I had heard that if you have a college education your earning power doubles typically. I said, "I wonder if that is the case for her?" He told the story the next day in church! I am a part of the family!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


(Fortune) -- You've worked hard on your resume, trying to squeeze all your experience in and make yourself stand out from the crowd, and chances are you've done a pretty good job. But even if your resume isn't perfect, it's unlikely to include any real howlers.

Not everybody can say that. Job site recently asked pollsters Harris Interactive to survey hiring managers and find out the wackiest resume items they've seen lately. Out of 2,627 responses, here are the top ten:

A job candidate...

1. ... attached a letter from her mother.

2. ... used pale blue paper with teddy bears printed around the border.

3. ... explained a three-month gap in employment by saying that he was getting over the death of his cat.

4. ... specified that his availability to work Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays is limited because the weekends are "drinking time."

5. ... included a picture of herself in a cheerleading uniform.

6. ... drew a picture of a car on the outside of the envelope and said the car would be a gift to the hiring manager.

7. ... listed hobbies that included sitting on a levee at night watching alligators.

8. ... mentioned the fact that her sister had once won a strawberry-eating contest.

9. ... stated that he works well in the nude.

10. ... explained an arrest record by stating, "We stole a pig, but it was a really small pig."

Feel better now?

Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Short Guy Tall Guy

I heard yesterday, that there is study out that suggests that the taller a guy is the more attractive he is to women. And also, the more money he makese, the more attractive he is to women. They say that on average a 5'4" guy has to make 292,000 more per year to get the same girl as a 6' guy. Remarkable. I guess I'm cool, as I am 5'11" and a half. Plus I already have the most beautiful girl in the world anyway.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Good Description!

While this story will officially let everyone know who reads it that I am a huge nerd, I am going to tell it anyway, because I feel it is my duty! I was watching Wheel of Fortune, like I do every day, last night, and this butch lady won. When you win you get to introduce the people you brought along. The camera panned to the people that were in the audience and there were three guys. Well, atleast that's what I saw... One of the guys was named Cheryll and it was very confusing. This guy, her "partner" had very narrow shoulders and it looked like very saggy big pectoral muscles. I didn't really understand.

I wonder where the winner's husband was...?

Pat Sagact in his infinte wisdom told her that she did a good job describing her relationship to those people. I wonder what he was thinking about!